Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Poco a poco, más bien pronto que tarde, como suele pasar con la tecnología, la domótica será indispensable en nuestras casas. De hecho ya la mayoría de las casas de nueva construcción tienen algún sistema d este tipo integrado.

El problema es que son muchas las empresas que se dedican a hacer este tipo de soluciones y muchas funcionalidades las que nos ofrecen. Lo que quiere decir que al irlas implementando en nuestra casa poco a poco puede que haya problemas entre ellas.
Nokia nos propone una solución para estos problemas llamada Nokia Home Control Center. No son sistemas domóticos, sino un sistema que permite juntar todos los sistemas que implementes en tu casa y usarlos sin que haya interferencias entre ellas, creando un sistema domótico aún contando con distintos productos de distintas marcas o con distintas funcionalidades.
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Labels: Domótica
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
One of the most popular and timeless styles is traditional interior design. When we think of traditional living room design we often associate it with large houses, manors, hotels and palaces. This type of decorating is typically more formal in nature since the furnishings and wall finishes are influenced by historical sources.
If we see the architectural and also furniture designs from 18th and 19th century Europe, we can say that the living room was dominated with traditional style. English styles such as Hepplewhite, Queen Anne, and Chippendale are also commonly designed in traditional living rooms.
Traditional living room design calls for soft lighting to give the room a dramatic feel. The Color palettes in a traditional living room include combination such as burgundy and gold, hunter green and burgundy, and other richly toned hues. Emphasize your living room's color scheme by using repeated colors and patterns on drapes and upholsteries. Make sure your design is elegant and not redundant.
Design Interior Traditional Living Room will take focus on the wall painting. Wall finishes include decorative paint treatments such as faux finishes and murals in addition to the moderate use of beautiful wallpaper. Choose colors that will help accentuate the design, keep the colors in tune to keep the ambiance in tact.
In the traditional living room mostly we can see the furniture wood such as tables, chairs, bookshelves and cabinets. Especially in English country style, They created their sofas and chairs and overstuffed and comfortable, with coverings of velvet or leather.
So, when you decide to make a traditional living room you should avoid clashing textures, colors and loud designs. The furniture itself is part of the traditional living room design style.
Labels: Interior